Sunday 3 June 2012


Six years ago our adventure began.

2192 days partnering in life together.
We have lived in 4 cities and on 2 continents.
We have moved 7 times.
We've had 2 kids.
We have had to say goodbye to 1 grandparent and 2 great-grandparents.
We've had 7 jobs between the two of us.
We've owned 3 different cars.
We have traveled together to 4 different countries.
We've celebrated with many friends and family as they started their life together and have also watched other's marriages fall apart.
We've spent hours in the car together and walked many miles side by side.
We've met countless friends who have impacted our relationship and how we do life together.
We've sat at the same table sharing meals almost everyday.
We've made it through 2 childbirths, appendicitis, the roads of Ecuador,  post traumatic stress disorder, our first semester of seminary and pieces of our world shattering into a million parts.
We have argued, laughed, cried, sat in silence and laughed some more.

We've packed a lot into our life together so far and we pray that this is just the beginning.  The mystery of what other adventures lie ahead is just so exciting, but not as exciting as knowing who will be by my side as the adventure continues.

And I am forever blow away by our God and the grace that he has shown us everyday.  That He forgives us so that in turn we might forgive each other.  And that he loves us so that in turn we can love one another.

And may the adventure continue for many years more...