Thursday 23 February 2012

Report from Seminary...delayed

Well, I had really good intentions of informing everyone, regularly and often, as to how seminary was going and what I was learning.  Well, that hasn't happened.  I will give you some updates now though, and try to keep up.

I am really loving the experience so far.  I learn so much it is staggering.  All the professors are great and all the reading is great.  If I dwell too much on the amount of pages I must read a week it gets a bit overwhelming, but we have developed a schedule here at home to help me keep up and do much reading everyday.  I also get to wear cardigans and feel like Mr. Rogers or my Grandpa. (Photo soon to come)

So, with Old Testament Theology, Christian Heritage II, Intro to Preaching, and Spiritual Practices.  It is a nice mix of subjects and areas of study, as well as providing space for spiritual growth and challenge.  Now this might sound boring to some of you, but it has been great for me.

I am picking up a course on Spiritual Autobiography.  We will start by reading and discussing St. Augustines book, the first spiritual autobiography, and then read others.  I am most excited for Dorothy Day's and Howard Thurman's stories of faith and journey.

So, my final words are: this week I am writing a paper on the work of Erasmus, a 15th century scholar and Christian writer.  I had never heard of him before, but I haven't stopped reading his work since I picked up a few books from the library.  I should really get focused on a particular theme for the paper but I'll leave you with a small quote to keep in mind for this volatile political campaign season:

Concord binds in a sweet bond, discord disrupts even those who are joined by blood.  The one builds cities, the other demolishes; the one creates wealth, the other dissipates.  Discord turns men into beasts. Concord unites souls after death with God.  I do not exhort you, I do not pray you, I implore you seek peace.  -Erasmus of Rotterdam    Oration on Peace and Discord

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